In 1998, the ECOSOC Committee of the UN granted special consultative status to the International Jurists Organisation (IJO).


  • “India-China Relations at a Crossroad” (October 1)

    A Webinar was conducted on 1st October in the background of the Chinese troops’ clash with India and the killing of 20 Indian soldiers at Galwan on 15 June 2020. Prof. Alistair from Canada and Prof.Gallant from the USA presented a North American view about the situation where they said that a larger clash between China and India would disturb the peace. Prof.AshiId Kolas from Norway emphasized that long-standing disputes and senseless violence at the border are a threat to peace. Dr Katsumi and Dr Uchaida Yuka, both from Japan,  were of the opinion that Chinese action is a threat to peace in Asia. At last IJO board Chairman Mr Birla and Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli spoke about crisis in relation between two countries and emphasised about dialogue instead of military confrontation.

  • “War in Ukraine” (May 28)

    A Webinar was conducted on 28th May.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine has challenged the International order and the Community of Nations charter. Ukraine and other countries have alleged war crimes against humanity and acts of genocide committed by Russian forces against the civilian population within Ukraine displacing over 10 million Ukrainians to neighboring States and also creating a crisis of energy and food supplies. UN General Assembly voted in the large majority of 140 countries condemning Russian aggression as a breach of the UN charter and sovereignty of the nation-state. Prof.Alistair D Edgar From Canada opened the discussion with his remark on UN inability in stopping the aggression. Prof.AshiId Kolas, Research Professor of Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRlO; NORWAY) introduced the history of the Russian-Ukrainian relationship and talked about the threat to European security. Dr Yuka Uchida from Japan spoke about Japanese support to Ukraine. Prof.Kenneth Gallant spoke about violations of international law especially international criminal law and United Nations charter in Russian aggression. Dr Lin from Taiwan spoke about the Geopolitical crisis in Europe and its impact on Asia.

  • Russian Invasion of Ukraine, War Crimes, Climate Change, and UN Response
    On January 29, Prof. Alistair D. Edgar, an IJO Board member from Canada, was virtually interviewed by IJO intern Tanya Goel. He discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, advocating for an impartial, coordinated, human rights-based approach. Regarding climate change, he emphasized the need for science-based policies over politically motivated ones. He called for united action against Russia and support for the International Criminal Court to address war crimes committed against the Ukrainian people, arguing that the UN is not failing but rather that the governments of various countries are not taking the situation seriously due to national politics.


  • “Recent Changes to the Maritime Order” (October 23)

    The theme was in the background of the current face of globalization, expanding the role of world trade organizations and regional trade blocs like CPT PP comprehensive economic partnership of 1 5 Asian -Pacific countries. Over 60% of all goods unloaded and 40% of all goods loaded are in Asian ports. The maritime order is witnessing turbulence due to the political stand of China concerning the Maritime rights of South East Asian countries such as Vietnam and Malaysia claiming 45 reefs or islands in the South China Sea. Even the US has established QUAD with the membership of Japan, Australia, and India. In March 2021, the Webinar was opened by a remark from IJO board chairman Mr Subhash Chandra Birla stressing peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region. Prof. Alistair D Edgar from Canada introduced the subject of the UN in Maritime law. Prof. Kenneth S Gallant of the United States introduced an international law perspective on the subject. Dr. Raymond Lau from Hong Kong talked about Hong Kong after the National Security Law implementation. Dr. Katsumi I Shizuka talked about the South China Sea and Japan’s perspective. At last Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli spoke about Indias relationship with QUAD


  • Indo-Pacific and QUAD (August)

    IJO Webinar in collaboration with the Center for East Asian Studies JNU was conducted on Indo-Pacific and QUAD. The speakers of the Webinar were Dr(Ms) Yuka Ando from Tokyo Japan, Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli Chairman of the Centre of East Asian Studies, IJO board Chairman Subhash Chandra Birla, Deputy Chief of the mission of Japan in India Mr. ToshiHide Ando and students and teachers of international studies from JNU. They said the present foreign policy of Japan is to protect open sea passage around the South China Sea and to establish peace and security in the East Asian region from North Korea’s belligerent Nuclear arms build-up. They also emphasized Japan’s close relationships with members of QUAD. Lastly, new initiatives were taken by the QUAD countries on the threat to security and peace in the South China Sea will be met unitedly by all QUAD countries providing safe passage to shipping for international trade.


  • ACUNS Tokyo Forum, UN University
    The chairman of ACUNS Delhi liaison office was invited to Tokyo for a meeting which was coordinated and opened by Prof. Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo. Participants of the meeting included Prof. Sukehiro Hasagawa, Director, ACUNS, Tokyo, Mr Masato Usui, Director of UN Planning and Administration Division, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Subhash Chandra Birla, Senior member and Chairperson, ACUNS, Delhi liaison office.
  • ACUNS Annual Meeting, 2017, Seoul, Korea.
    ACUNS held its Annual meeting on the theme of ‘Revitalizing the United Nations for Human Rights, Peace and Development’ from 15th to 17th of June, 2017. It was the first time held on the soil of the Asia continent. There was a huge presence of members and participants from Asia, especially East Asia. IJO Board member and Chairman of ACUNS Delhi Liaison office spoke in one of the workshop sessions titled ‘Right to Responsibility’ (R2R). He spoke about the need for caution in using force by way of intervention to stabilize conflict situations in any country as sometimes it leads to counter-violence.
  • UN, Global Governance and East Asia, New Delhi.
    ACUNS Delhi Liaison office on 25th April 2017 in cooperation with the International Jurist Organisation (IJO) and the Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, JNU organized a workshop in the presence of IJO Prof. Alistair D Edgar, President IJO and Executive Director, ACUNS. The workshop was chaired by Prof. Jagadesh K Mamidala, Vice Chancellor, JNU. Mr. Subhash Chandra Birla Chairman, ACUNS Delhi Liason Office summed up the workshop.


  • United Nations and Role of East Asian Countries, New Delhi
    ACUNS Delhi Liason Office and IJO, being supported by the Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi jointly organized a meeting on 10th October 2016 at JNU premises. It was chaired by Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli, Chairman, of East Asian Studies, SIS, JNU, Prof. Alistair D Edgar, President, of IJO, and Subhash Chandra Birla, Chairman, IJO Board spoke on the subject in the presence of faculty members and students.


  • World in Crisis, Security, Justice in Governance, New Delhi
    IJO and ACUNS Delhi Liaison office held a meeting on 17th September 2015 in Delhi to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-30 synthesis report of the United Nations Secretary-General. President Prof. Alistair Edgar and Chairman of IJO Board Subhash Chandra Birla spoke on the occasion.
  • Security and Justice in Africa
    “Security and Justice in Africa”. The discussion was joined by academics, diplomats, professionals, and students from India, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco and Zambia. The discussion was chaired by Ambassador Ms. Gennet Zewide, Embassy of Ethiopia in India, and Dean of more than 45 African missions in India. Chair IJO Board and other speakers called for the cooperation of European Union countries for protecting the lives of African migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea and UN intervention against terror groups operating in Africa and the Middle East.
  • UN Secretary General’s Synthesis Report on Post-MDG 2015/SDG Agenda
    IJO & ACUNS Delhi Liaison office held a Roundtable Meeting on 12th January 2015 in New Delhi, on U.N. Sec. Gen. report titled: “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty Transforming all Lives and Protecting the Planet.” Chair of IJO Board Mr. Subhash Chandra Birla introduced the relevance of the UN Secretary General’s Report about one of its elements i.e. “Promote Safe and Peaceful Societies and Strong Institutions”. Speakers Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli, and Prof. Manindra Nath Thakur both from JNU, Ms. Shreen Vakil Miller from Save the Children, and Prof. Mirian S.R. Oliviera, Brazil spoke about the element of people, healthy lives and inclusion of women and children.


  • Post-Tsunami Developments in Japan
    On 10th January, a Japanese delegation led by Mr. Takashi Ikeda, Attorney Osaka, Japan met IJO officials and discussed post-tsunami developments in Japan and developing relations between Japan and other Asian Countries.


  • Law & Power: Reflections on the Last 25 Years
    IJO on its 25th year of Foundation organized a meeting with the support of ACUNS on December 13, 2012, at New Delhi. The theme of the meeting was Law & Power; Reflections on the Last 25 Years. The Guest Lecture was delivered by Justice J.S. Verma, Former Chief Justice of India on the theme “Resolving to secure citizens of India: Social, Economic & Political Justice”.
  • United Nations & Global Governance
    On 18-19 August 2012 on the theme of ‘United Nations and Global Governance’ a seminar was held in New Delhi. The main speaker Prof. Li Dongyan, Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Beijing, China, spoke at length, reiterating that in the present international situation, multilateralism is the only constructive policy for all big powers. The discussion was joined by Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli, Prof. C.S.R. Murthy, Prof. Yeshi Choedon, and Prof. Manindra Nath Thakur all from JNU.


  • 6th May 2011 a talk was delivered at India International Centre, New Delhi by. Mr. Takashi Ikeda, Attorney at Osaka, Japan, IJO Board Member on the subject “Challenges for International Trade and Investment between India & Japan.
  • 5th April 2011, India International Centre, New Delhi, Round Table Discussion on “Religious Identity Politics: Contemporary Indian Socio-Political and Constitutional Experiences was held. “Speakers included “Mr. Justice Deepak Verma, Judge, Supreme Court of India (Honorary President, IJO, Ms. Mirian Oliveria, Doctorate Scholar Sao Paulo University, Brazil Justice Rajinder Sachar Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court of India. Mr. Subhash Chandra birla, Chairman, IJO Board.    


  • 11–12 December 2010, on the occasion of the 24th Anniversary International Jurist Organization and Global Studies Programme, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi held a Conference on “Human Migration and Displacement: New Challenges to National, Regional and Global Governance” More than 125 participants included representatives of NGO’s Academics & Lawyers from 7 countries.


  • On the occasion of the ACUNS 21st Annual meeting, IJO representatives participated in its meeting held in June 2008 in Bonn, Germany.
  • IJO 21st Anniversary Meeting was held on 11–13 December 2008 at New Delhi on the theme of “One World: Justice and Governance beyond Borders”. The meeting was opened by Guest Mr. Charnjit Singh Atwal, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha in India. The sub-theme of the 3-day meeting was i) National, Regional, and International Institutions: Leading and Responding to Globalization; ii) Reshaping International Justice? Assessing Recent Initiatives; iii) Indenties, Conflict, Law, and Governance; iv) Innovation in Administration of Justice and Governance in India. IJO Officials and speakers were invited for a reception at the residence of Canadian High Commissioner Mr. Joseph Caron.


  • IJO’s 18th Anniversary workshop on “The UN at 60 Years” was organized on 16-17 December 2005 in Delhi. It was supported by the Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS). The workshop was divided into five Sessions: i) The United Nations after the September 2005 Summit; ii) Use of Force and Human Rights Protection in Large Scale Conflicts; iii) The Working of the International Criminal Court; iv) Sixty Years of International Law: the interplay between national, regional and international courts & v) Globalization, Development, and Intellectual Property. Participants numbering 40 academicians and practitioners included IJO President Subhash Chandra Birla; K.S.Gallant; ACUNS Executive Director Dr. Alistair D.Edgar; Ms. Ifeyinwa Ikeonu, Nigeria; Dr. Mark Drumbl, Professor Law, Washington & Lee University, USA; Prof. Ma Chengyuan, Professor International Law, China University of Political Science and Law; Prof. Qin Xiaocheng, Secretary General `China Society of International Law; Ms. Carol Batchelor, Acting Chief of Mission, UNHCR; Ms. Amy Reier Attorney, Canada; Dr. Vidhu Verma, JNU; Prof. S.K.Varma, Law Faculty, University of Delhi and Dr. Shanta Varma, University of Delhi.
  • IJO 18th Anniversary Lecture was delivered by Mr. Han Zhubin, President, of China Law Society on 16th December 2005, theme “Democratization of International Relations and the five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence”. He spoke about the UN charter and the demand for democratization and legalization of International relations in an age of Globalization. Opposing the monopoly of one or several powers, he spoke about equal negotiations and settlement by peaceful means of all international disputes. In the area of economy, he called for taking into care of the interests and demands of the developing countries to reduce the disparity between rich and poor. He said that the Rule of law is the best approach to peaceful and rational methods for the resolution of social conflicts.
  • IJO Students seminar was conducted on 29th September, 05, at the University of Delhi. It was attended by students of the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, and Amity Law School, Delhi. IJO Student Group intends to encourage awareness of the study of International Organizations, UN Systems, and International Law.
  • IJO delegation participated in the 58th Annual Conference of NGOs associated with the UN Deptt. of Public Information (DPI) held on 7-9 September 05 at UN H.Q., New York, Theme: Our Challenge: Voice for Peace, Partnership, and Renewal: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and H.E. Jean Ping, President of Fifty-Eight Session of UN General Assembly addressed the gathering.
  • ACUNS 2005 Annual Meeting 16-18 June, 05 Ottawa, Theme: Implementing the Millennium Declaration: The Five-year Review” was attended by an IJO student associate.


  • IJO 17th Anniversary Lecture, 2004, was delivered in continuation of its Annual lecture series by Amb. Jorge Heine, Ambassador of Chile in India, on the subject “Middle Powers, IOs and Human Security: Reflections on the Return of Multilateralism”.   
  • IJO supported the ACUNS / ASIL Workshop on `Global Governance and Human Security’, Delhi, July 27th –August 7th, 2004 was directed by Dr. Charles Norchi of Sarah University and Harvard University and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon, University of Western Ontario. It was attended by 16 participants, which included 7 UN officials from New York and Geneva and academicians from the University of Spain, Oxford University, Brown University, and Washington University. IJO provided interaction opportunities to workshop participants as well as local institutions like the Indian Law Institute, Indian Society of International Law, JNU, and Delhi University.
  • IJO 16th Anniversary Lecture, 2004 was delivered on November 21st, 2003 at New Delhi, on “International Law and Power Politics, 2003-2004: The UN, the US and the Foundations of Global Governance” by Dr. Alistair D. Edgar, Executive Director, the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). The lecture was chaired by former Chief Justice of India, Mr. A. M. Ahmadi and attended by Mr. Hans-Joachim Kiderlen, Minister, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany; Mr. James Carrick, First Secretary, Canadian High Commission; Mr. Ramraje P. N. Nimbalkar, Minister of State, Maharashtra.


  • International Law and Preventive Action in Iraq: Discussion in Cooperation with Indian Society of International Law (ISIL).


  • IJO 15th Anniversary Meeting and Lecture 2002 on “Globalization, Governance and Rule of Law” by Prof. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, J.N.U.


  • “Globalization and International Law Seminar”, New Delhi
  •  Participation in UN NGO Meeting, New York
  •  Lecture on “Globalization and Japanese Legal System” by a Japanese Attorney and IJO Board member Mr. Takashi Ikeda.


  • Lecture on “New Developments in International Law”, New Delhi.
  •  Delegation participation in UN NGO Meeting, New York
  •  Delegation Participation in UN NGO Meeting, Geneva.


  • Judiciary in Asia” WJA seminar, New Delhi, was attended by 200 delegates including Chief Justices and Judges from 20 countries.
  •  A student Intern from Finland worked for two months in the IJO program in Delhi.


  • Intellectual Property Rights Seminar, Hyderabad, India    
  • IJO is recognized as an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


  • IJO delegation participated in the World Law Conference – Doha (Qatar).


  • IJO delegation visits and meetings in Cities of China.


  • Asia Law Conference on Social Development, Hyderabad
  • UN World Social Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • China Law Society delegation meetings in India  
  • IJO International Criminal Court Seminar, Lucknow, India attended by 100 delegates.              
  • The IJO President is Elected as ‘President for Asia of World Jurist Organization’ at Washington DC.


  • Environment, Development and Law in Developing Countries Seminar’, Delhi
  •  IJO delegation attended the UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna.


  • International Trade and Investment Seminar, Tianjin (P.R.C.) organized by IJO and CCPIT China.


  • UNICEF sponsored the `Right to Shelter-Focussing Child’, Seminar, at Delhi
  • International Development Law Institute, Rome, two weeks seminar
  • IJO President Awarded “Outstanding National President in World” Barcelona, Spain.


  • IJO President attended “the 14th Conference of Law of the World” in Beijing between April 22-27, 1990.
  • Indo-US Sub-Commission on Education & Culture invited IJO Honorary President and President for the meetings in the United States. The Sub-commission arranged meetings in New York, Washington, DC, and Cambridge (MA). In the guest program, IJO attended the ‘American Bar Association’ conference in Chicago.
  • Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Government, invited IJO President for meetings on August 15-16, 1990 in Bern and Geneva with Swiss Government officials on issues concerning political Refugees from South Asia.
  • `The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Seminar‘ was organized in New Delhi in cooperation with UNICEF.
  • World Human Rights Congress, New Delhi, was organized by Jawahar Lal Nehru University, IJO joining Organizing Committee. 500 delegates from 35 countries attended the congress.


  • Judge Charles R. Weiner, District Judge of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (USA) delivered a lecture on “The American Government and its Court System”.


  • The 40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly was celebrated by IJO.   


  • International Jurist Organization’ was founded on 13th December 1987 in Delhi.